About Us
For millions of years, skilled craftsmen have used fire, a hammer and an anvil to transform raw material into tools and art. The world's history was forged and documented by the functional art they created. At Hammer Forged Studio, we continue the legacy of these creators and endeavor to combine creativity, skill, and modern tools to create art with a purpose.
We were founded in 2023 to create high quality training simulators and games. We recognize the shared skill, techniques, and software required in the creation of both​- despite their different purposes. Our goal is to carry our values of craftsmanship, creative problem solving and artistic merit to build the highest quality products in both of our chosen fields.

Who we are
Our founder, Jason, has been making graphic art and video games since he was 14. In 2023, he identified a new way to use the skills he had developed. Our military's infantry rely on extreme proficiency in highly technical skills to keep safe and win in combat. These skills can be difficult and expensive to train. The need for a high quality, highly customizable and accessible, low cost simulator to train infantrymen in call for fire inspired the creation of this company. At Hammer Forged, we combine our passion for art with our drive to provide useful, meaningful products.
Two sides of the same coin
While on the surface simulators and games are different products for a different audience, at all levels except their ultimate purpose simulators and video games are extremely similar. The art, code, and design requirements are virtually identical for both. While games are marketed to the player and simulators to the purchasing customer, the ultimate audience is still similar: most Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen play video games. The closer to a video game a simulator is, the more readily and easily infantrymen will train with them. Our two brands, WarGame Simulation Technologies, and Hammer Forged Games go perfectly hand in hand.